Thursday, April 9, 2009

This is child in grey.

Well actually, he's not my kid, but he is based off a movie I can't seem to download.  Although this particular piece is in greyscale, it is going to be a poster, from a set of about 20 and 1 wooden canvas board.  The final will be up on my website, and depending on how many i have remaining I am willing to sell or trade it for other artist work.

And this

piece was done at the very start of this year, it never did get completed but half the stuff I draw on sketchbooks don't.  You know why? cause there is no rule saying you have to!

It's early and

i'm really new to this blog, so I can't seem to be able to put photos yet.

Oh wait, no I figured it out.  In the meantime, while my site is being configured, I will be adding a whole ton of images and little puzzles so that you may view while at work, or at home.